
How to Successfully Be a Work At Home Parent


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Being a parent is tough, and one of the biggest challenges that parenting brings is juggling the need to work with looking after the kids. One thing that many parents dream of is to be able to work from home and take care of the kids at the same time.

Being a work at home parent can bring with it the ultimate in flexibility, but it can also bring some major challenges your way too. The life of a parent that works from home is never an easy one, so here are some tips to help you achieve that perfect balance:

Time Management

Whether you work from home or not, time management is a big problem for many parents, as there is just so much to fit into only 24 hours each day. 

The reason you wanted to start working from home was probably so that you would have more balance in your life. To achieve balance, it is vital to manage your time effectively. Time management is mostly a case of trial and error, but it is useful to plan your day to at least aim to achieve everything that you need to. 

Try to stay focused while you work, and if possible, ignore the big pile of laundry if it can wait, at least until you have finished working anyway. 

Be aware of the times that you schedule calls for, so avoid anything close to school run time in case they overrun. 

The Right Equipment

Having the right equipment is essential to running a professional business, so it is crucial to research the items that you need before you launch. Before you start to take on work, make sure that you feel confident using your new tools for your job. For example, if you will mainly be working online, you may need to learn how to use Google Drive so make sure that your knowledge and skills are up to date.

Get Childcare

Booking childcare is probably the last thing that you thought you would need to do when you start your business venture and begin working from home. Making childcare arrangements should be one of the first items on your to-do list – it is that important. 

Depending on what you plan to do as your work from home job, you may be able to fit in working around the kids. You could wake up early and crack on with some work before the little ones wake up. You may choose to wait until they are tucked up in bed before you sit down to work. Whichever option you decide on, it is still essential to have some childcare. There will be times when the kids awaken at the crack of dawn so you can’t work in the morning, and times when they are ill or unsettled and won’t go to bed on time. It is in situations like this that you need a backup plan so that you have the opportunity to fulfil your work commitments.

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