
The Ordinary Moments #15

The first hot day of the year and we went to Hamsterley Forest to run off some of the little mans energy.

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The Ordinary Moments #14

Bathtime is the little mans favourite part of the day. Some days he even ends up having two. I hope he’s as happy to jump in the bath when he’s a teenager!

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The Ordinary Moments #13

Meal times in our house are always a messy affair. The little mans new trick is smearing everything he eats through his hair. It makes for a fun bath time!

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The Ordinary Moments #12

My little monster loves his laptops. I think he’s thinking of starting a blog soon. 

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The Ordinary Moments #11

I adore this photograph, the little man looks so grown up. He loves sitting with his Daddy on the sofa reading or watching TV.

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