
The Ordinary Moments #10

This is how we roll. Cuddled up on the sofa catching up on the Voice. It’s not only me who loves it! Hubby wouldn’t admit it I think he’s a fan! I love being snuggled…

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The Ordinary Moments #9

We have a tiny little park around the corner from out house. There’s not much there but it’s clean and tidy and the little man loves to visit. Whenever we have 5 minutes spare we…

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The Ordinary Moments #7

I love this photograph. I took it during a messy play class at Bluestone in Wales. The little man loves messy play, he’s the first one into the mess and the last one out. At…

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The Ordinary Moments #6

We’ve been to Wales for the week this week. It’s been nice to get away, we decided on our way home to call at Chester for the night and take the little man to Chester Zoo. …

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The Ordinary Moments #5

The snow has been a little erratic in the North East. Where we live we’ve had quite a few sprinklings but not too much has settled, certainly not enough for a sledge ride like we’d…

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