The little man has started toddling round the furniture and sprinting across the room with his walker over the last few week so I’d been thinking about getting him some ‘big boy’ shoes.
While we were shopping recently we visited our local Mothercare which has a Clarks department inside and got his feet measured. After much deliberation we got his very first pair of Clarks shoes, some super cute Tiny Seb’s.
Clarks offer a first shoes experience, which in theory is such a lovely idea. It includes a photograph of your child in their first shoes and a card with their shoe size and the date of purchase. I didn’t actually know about this until we visited. Unfortunately ours was a very rushed experience, and the girl who served us seemed very unsure about what she was doing and kept wandering off. It’s a bit of shame because it’s such a lovely idea for little people and their parents.
My tiny little man is growing up so quickly!!