I love Scarborough. I remember visiting often when I was young and have fab memories of my own. We’ve taken the little man a few times, but we recently visited and even managed to see some sunshine! I showed him some of the things I loved doing when I was young.
I remember standing for hours when I was little, dropping my 2p’s into the machines in the hope I’d win a fortune or a random plastic keyring hidden amongst the coppers.
The little man loved looking at the flashing lights and loud fair ground style music in the amusements. He happily pushed his coins in with Daddy’s help, but didn’t win.
The beach was heaving. I don’t think I’ve ever see Scarborough beach so busy. That didn’t stop the little man though, he enjoyed people watching and listening to the buzz of the crowds.
You can’t visit Scarborough without a ride on the Donkeys. I wasn’t too sure whether the little man would like it, but he absolutely loved it! Getting him off was the problem!
He kept trying to make the Donkey go faster, and had a happy manic look on his face most of the time. It’s £2 for a short 5 minute Donkey ride which is expensive, but was totally worth it for the look on the little mans face.
Once he’d finished riding, pointing and staring at the donkeys we sat and played on the sand. Throwing it in the air or trying to lick it was the best thing to do apparently;.
He then insisted on paddling, though he thought wading out so he was as deep as his chest was much more fun. I swear he has no fear whatsoever.
After a busy time he finally gave in and went to sleep in his pushchair which meant Hubby and I could go for a walk up the steep hill into Scarborough town.
We love Scarborough and had a fab day. There’s plenty to do for all ages and you don’t need to spend a fortune. You can treat yourself to fish and chips along the sea front, or save some money and take a picnic to the beautiful Peasholm Park
We’re lucky that we only live two hours away, so a day trip is easily possible.
Have you been to the seaside this summer?
I love Scarborough too, we have not been for a few years now and I really want to visit again soon. It looks like you had a lovely day out xx