
Asda Digital Detox challenge – Saying goodbye to my Smartphone

Look around you at any point during your day and I guarantee you’ll notice most people doing the same thing. They won’t be having a chat with the person next to them, reading a book or taking in the scenery. They’ll be looking down at their smartphone, transfixed by their Twitter feed, scrolling frantically through their Facebook timeline or perhaps checking emails.

There’s such a huge reliance on technology nowadays, people are dependent on their smartphones and becoming addicted to their link with the internet. A recent survey states that an average person checks their smartphone 85 times each day. That’s a crazy amount! It’s pretty scary … and sadly, I’m one of those people.

I usually check my phone, social media accounts and emails as soon as I wake up and it’s the last thing I do before bed. It’s sad, but I always have the fear I’m missing something important. In reality, I’m missing out on the important things in LIFE! I capture plenty of photographs and videos but it’s not the same as cherishing the moment as it happens, is it?

I was recently asked if I’d like to take part in the Asda Mobile Digital Detox Challenge, a 7 day experiment for 6 bloggers to relinquish ties with their smart phones and go back to basics with a bog standard Alcatel One Touch mobile. I will have no internet connection, no camera function and no social media apps, it’ll be a massive shock to the system but will hopefully have a positive impact on me and my toddler. Asda-Digital-Detox-challengeDuring the challenge I’ll be keeping a diary (on paper) and writing about the pro’s and con’s of using a smartphone. At this stage I anticipate a mixture of both, though mostly pro’s!

I’d love my lovely readers to get involved too! You can share a post in the comments below if you’re a blogger or tweet me on Twitter @Catherine using the hashtag . I’d love to hear how you get on.

The infographic below gives you more details about the challenge and gives some helpful hints about how to cope without a smart phone.Digital Detox Infographic

Are you up for a challenge?



  1. 25th April 2016 / 7:57 am

    I think this is a great idea, though I use all my digital stuff for work so it is hard for me to switch off x

  2. 25th April 2016 / 1:46 pm

    I am totally guilty of being attached to my phone, reading this know as my 1 year old clambers round my feet when I should be playing with him….I will play with him when I’ve written this comment
    We went to Center Parcs late last year and we had no wifi/4G it was actually quite liberating. Apart from taking photos we just enjoyed being in the moment. It’s so easy to get caught up in the tides of social media but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Will be interested to see how you get on x x x

  3. Kerry Norris
    26th April 2016 / 6:41 am

    This is such a good idea although I must admit I couldn’t do it. I don’t ever use my house phone and use my phone to talk to my mum and sisters who live in Australia. It would be too long for me not to be able to what’s app them x

  4. 26th April 2016 / 3:49 pm

    I’m not so attached to my phone. But my Ipad and laptop is a different story. But then I don’t blog over the weekends, so those are my digital off days 🙂

  5. 26th April 2016 / 7:10 pm

    I don’t think I’d be able to do, I wish you good luck

  6. 26th April 2016 / 8:43 pm

    It’s a great idea, but not so sure my mummy is ready to hang up her smartphone just yet…. She should cut back though!! Nice Infographic xx

  7. 26th April 2016 / 9:16 pm

    A digital detox is good at times but as someone who is stuck in the home a lot… my social life and friends and support are all on the otherside of the internet so it would make me even more isolated i think. It is good though to put the phone down fro quality rest and family time!

    Angela from Daysinbed

  8. 26th April 2016 / 10:33 pm

    Ekk good luck – I’m not sure where I would be without my smartphone these days – it seems to be constantly at my side. x

  9. 26th April 2016 / 10:36 pm

    Good luck with this! I don’t think I’m brave enough to go completely cold turkey with it. It’s bad enough every time I’m late with a bill and we get it suspended, I feel so isolated! x

  10. 27th April 2016 / 1:19 am

    I love this idea! Although, like you, I use my camera a lot and would be afraid I’d miss things. I’m soo addicted to my phone though. Best of luck to you, can’t wait to see how it works out!

  11. 27th April 2016 / 5:23 am

    Sounds good! I actually switched off from about 6pm last night because I was unwell and it was quite liberating. Good luck!xx

  12. 27th April 2016 / 7:26 am

    I looked around the bus and most of us were facing down staring at our devices, good luck with the technology detox

  13. 27th April 2016 / 8:13 am

    Gosh, this is such a great idea. I’d love to try this! Not sure how well I’d do…. Haha. Good luck, looking forward to hearing how it goes!! xx

  14. 27th April 2016 / 9:20 am

    This is such a good idea and it is something I definitely need to do x

  15. 27th April 2016 / 10:04 am

    Good for you for trying. I did something similar recently where i had to give up something for a week – I chose the car rather than the phone (wimped out).

  16. 27th April 2016 / 10:28 am

    I definitely think I’d sleep better if I didn’t make a smart phone as I always get distracted by something on my phone when I should be sleeping x

  17. 27th April 2016 / 12:17 pm

    wow good luck!! I have to admit I am always checking my phone usually without even realising I am reaching for it! I often joke to my husband who is always on his phone checking facebook etc, he is so busy checking out everyone elses life he is missing out on his own. I definitely think I would miss the camera on my phone to as I am always snapping pics of the kids.

    I bet it will be a real eye opener though and I will be keeping an eye out to see how you got on. xx

  18. 27th April 2016 / 1:40 pm

    AArrrrghhh I couldn’t do that – love my smart phone too much!

  19. 27th April 2016 / 3:22 pm

    Good luck! I’m not sure I could be without my iPhone/laptop etc as I use them for work too but I agree it does you good to have a break from it, even if it’s just for a few hours.

  20. 28th April 2016 / 8:48 am

    I am so going to try this out. And get the OH on board too. It almost feels like we are living in the world wide web 🙁

  21. 28th April 2016 / 9:47 pm

    Good for you. I’m not sure I could do it for 7 days unless I was abroad.

  22. 29th April 2016 / 10:38 am

    I went without the internet for a full week last month (not through choice mind you) absolutely hated it, but it shows just how much I needed it that I struggled to cope without it!

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