
The Ordinary Moments #4

The little man is almost a year old now and he seems like such an independent big boy. He doesn’t want his Mammy and Daddy fussing over him. Cuddles are a rare occurrence. When I…

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The Ordinary Moments #3

I’ve made the most of my days off this week, we’ve been out and about having fun.  We’ve recently discovered Go Bananas soft play at Seaburn. As a rule I’m not a huge fan of soft play…

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The Ordinary Moments #2

It’s easy to take things for granted. Your child playing, smiling and even eating. This week we’ve had an awful week. We’ve been on the brink of the little man being admitted into hospital a…

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The Ordinary Moments #1

2015 is here already.  2014 was literally the quickest year of my life. The little man joined the scene and I spent 50 weeks on Maternity Leave. That ended on Friday the 2nd of January…

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