Nail varnish isn’t something I often buy. My nails and I have a love hate relationship, apparently they hate to look nice. I’ve currently got nail extensions on though, so they haven’t got a great deal of choice!
I popped into Superdrug the other day on the hunt for some pastel coloured polish. I didn’t want to spend a fortune, as after one use they’d be likely to disappear into the depths of my make up box, never too be seen again,
I was drawn to the colours of the Miss Sporty nail varnishes, and then realised I could buy three for the bargain price of £5 – perfect.
They’re from the Clubbing Colours range.
I choose three pastel shades, which are perfect for the summer, or the pouring down rain that seems to have confused itself with the sunshine.
I choose a pale blue, pale green and a pretty coral shade.
Each bottle contains 7ml of nail varnish, which for £1.99 a pop isn’t bad at all. The polish is thick and dries very quickly whilst lasting VERY well. I only aplied one coat and I’m onto day four with no chips or flakey bits and the colour looks just as intense, they rival some of the more expensive brands on the market.
I actually love these colours, they’re bright and summery and make me smile when I look at my fingers.
These aren't pastel colours, they're actually very bright! + quite thin.
but bargain for the price