Ingredients –
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1 tin of baked beans
1 tin of green lentils
1 tin of mixed beans salad
2 onions
three carrots
red pepper
dried lentils (I used red)
2 chicken stock cubes
Salt and pepper to season
Chop all of your veg into smallish chunks and throw in your pan ( you’ll need a big pan as the ingredients make a lot!).
Drain the mixed bean salad and green lentils from their tins and throw them in too. Then do the same with the chopped tomatoes and baked beans. Finally throw in a good handful of lentils.
After all the ingredients are in the pan it should look a little like the picture above.
Put two chicken stock cubes in 300ml of boiling water and dissolve. Pour this over the top of the soup mix and put the lid on the pan.
Leave to simmer on a low heat for around an hour or until the vegetables are soft.
Add salt and pepper.
At this point you can use a mixer to make the soup smooth, or if you prefer, like me you can leave it chunky. I always think chunky soup is much more filling.
It should look a little like this when you put it in your bowl.
I love this soup. It’s probably one of my most favourite Slimming World recipes and it’s so simple. I am no Delia Smith but it tastes amazing!
You can add different vegetables if you prefer, its a fun soup to have a play around with and it’s all free!!!