
Indian Supermeals by Zainab Jagot Ahmed

Indian Supermeals by Zainab Jagot Ahmed

I have loved the weaning experience with the little man. We’ve had such fun and thankfully he’s gone through the transition from milk to food amazingly well. I’ve enjoyed hunting out recipes and using my own ideas but in all honesty some of the flavours and ideas have been a little bland and boring. I was asked if I’d like to review something rather exciting – the Indian Supermeals for Babies, Toddlers and the Family* by Zainab Jagot Ahmed. I haven’t seen any other Indian-themed babyfood cookbooks on the market, so I was rather intrigued by the idea. 

It’s a relatively new book, having only been published in September this year. It’s a bright and easy to read book which contains a varied selection of recipes are simple to make,  rich nutrients and suitable for  young sensitive palate and tummy. The book also features a whole host of information on Superfoods and food groups which in itself, is a really interesting read. 

The book is easy to read and the layout is clear and concise (which is fantastic for those of us who get confused easily!). The recipes are written in simple terms and are really easy to follow. I’m also really impressed with the photography, which is bright, eye catching and realistic. 

The recipes in the book can be used from stage 2 of weaning onwards and seems like a great way to introduce your little person to a varied world of flavours and tastes. The recipes are divided into stages – stage 2 (7 months plus), stage 3 (10 months plus), stage 4 (1-3 years plus) and the school years (3-5 years) but obviously they can be eaten by the whole family too. 

The book is split into categories –  veggie supermeals, fish supermeals, finger food supermeals, sweet supermeals, meat supermeals, family supermeals and quick kids supermeals, so if there’s something specific you’re after you can easily find it. Each recipe also has details about whether it can be frozen, the servings it gives and how long it takes to make. 

Despite the name of the book it isn’t filled with just Indian inspired recipes, there’s a little bit of everything, including both British and Italian choices so don’t panic that you’ll be feeding your baby something spicy everyday! 

Zainab Jagot Ahmed, author of the book is a parent herself and the book has been created with the help of her own daughter, so it’s rather refreshing to receive baby hints and tips from someone who is actually a parent! 

We’ve tried a few of the recipes from the book so far, though I’ve only remembered to photograph two! The Creamy Sweet Potato dream was a massive hit, and I suspect the little man would have licked his bowl clean, had he been able too! I’d never have thought to use sweet potato in a dessert, let alone with coconut milk (which I was surprised to learn, contains a lauric acid which is usually found in breast milk!) 

I’ll definitely use the book for more meal ideas for all of us and can’t wait to work my way through the tasty recipes. It’ll work nicely with the restart of my diet (yes again!) and give us all a healthy kick over the winter period. I’ll be looking out for the recipes which help boost our immune systems and attempt to prevent those dreaded winter colds.

The book is a hardback and costs £14.99 on Amazon. I actually think that’s a pretty reasonable price considering the vast amount of information the book holds. I’m very impressed with the book, and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone about to start stage 2 of weaning.


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