Since becoming a parent I have thoroughly enjoyed recording and documenting the little mans life in the form of photographs. I’ve taken photographs almost daily, some which I’ve printed off and stored in albums or frames and others which I’ve just stored on our external hard driver. I love being able to look back at the memories and being able to see his changes and growth is amazing. When the little man is older he’ll be able to look back at the photographs and see many memories of his childhood.
I was interested in photography before he was born and Hubby had bought me a great beginners DSLR camera as a wedding present. It’s been lugged all over the place, and has taken some pretty good photographs, if I do say so myself.

Of course you don’t need a uber expensive camera to take amazing photos, a reasonably priced superzoom camera will do the same trick.
I attended a short photography course with a local photographer a couple of months ago and he gave us lots of helpful tips and tricks for getting the perfect picture, regardless of the camera used. He even showed us some photographs taken with an Iphone that looked amazing!
How often do you take photographs?
I take photos literally every day! I can never take enough and will always take more. For me photography is such a huge part of my life and I love capturing moments x