I have finally got pretty much everything sorted for the arrival of our baby, the last thing to do is pack my hospital bag. It’s something I have been stressing about for a while, but now I’m just over 33 weeks pregnant, I thought it was time to get things sorted.
I’m not certain about what I will need, I still haven’t got confirmation as to whether I’m having a C section or attempting a natural birth, so I’m packing a little bit of everything! I’ll probably write another post after the birth of the baby to let you know what I ACTUALLY did need!
So, what have I got –
1. Birthing nightie – I bought a couple of cheap new nighties from Ebay. They’re not specifically maternity, just a few sizes bigger than normal. I also bought a proper maternity nightie in store at Mothercare.
2. Nursing bras – I’m yet to purchase these. I ordered two from Mothercare but the were out of stock and they cancelled my order. Grr. I’m going to try and breastfeed so would like to get some comfortable bra’s.
3. Pyjamas– I’ve got a couple of pairs of stretchy PJ bottoms and baggy t shirts for after the baby is born, Again they’re not maternity, just a bigger size than normal.
4. Slippers – I got a couple of pairs of new slippers for Christmas so I’ve put a pair of those into my bag, and I’m going to take some flip flops in case the ward is as hot as it was when we visited.
5. Dressing gown – I picked up a Mama’s and Papa’s maternity dressing gown from Ebay for the bargain price of £1.04. I didn’t want to pay a fortune for something I probably won’t even wear.
6. Comfy knickers – I had considered buying disposable knickers to wear after birth, but instead I picked up 10 new pairs of Debenhams belly hugger pants in a larger size for the bargain price of £4! They’ll be more comfortable than cheap maternity knickers and much cheaper.
7. Comfortable clothes – I’ve packed a couple of tops and some leggings which will be suitable for either before or after birth, depending on how long I end up being in hospital. Leggings have been my staple item through pregnancy and I can’t imagine that will change any time soon. They’ll be fine until I can fit back into my normal size.
8. Maternity pads – I ordered a selection of different ones from Mothercare online. Not the nicest thing, but everyone needs them after giving birth.
9. Hairbrush and bobbles – I get so stressed when my hair gets in my way, and I’ve already had one weird dream where it took over my face while I was in labour, so they were the first things I put in my bag!
10. Shower gel, soap, a sponge or flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and deodorant – Don’t forget the essentials I’ve packed some samples that I’ve got in my Bounty packs and travel size products so they take up less room.
11. Nipple cream – To help soothe sore nipples if I do end up breastfeeding.
12. Breast pads – I’ve bought a couple of packs of these, to prevent leakages.
13. Wet wipes – For everything and anything, I’m a huge fan of them anyway, and always have a packet in the car.
14. Make up – I’ll take some, whether or not I’ll be bothered with putting any on, who knows?!
15. Pregnancy notes – Probably one of the most important things I will need to take with me!
16. Phone and charger – Essential for keeping in touch with everyone, especially if I’m in hospital for a lengthy time.
17. A towel – Essential for the first shower after birth.
18. Water and snacks – Everyone I have asked for advice has told me to take plenty of snacks and water in with me, I know it costs a fortune at our local hospital so at least it will save some money.
2. Baby wipes – Again, I have a stockpile of these things. My midwife has already mentioned that they frown upon their use in hospital, but all my friends who are already mothers have told me to take them anyway.
3. Cotton wool – By all means, I’ll try and clean babies bum with cotton wool … initially.
4. Babygrows – I’ve put a few different babygrows in, they vary in size a little as I’m not sure how big little man will be.
5. Hats and socks – He’s going to be arriving in February, so it will still be chilly.
6. Scratch mitts – I don’t want baby to scratch him self.
7. Muslin squares – I know they can be used for everything, so I have put in a few of these.
8. Blankets – I have put in a couple of blankets, both for snuggling in the hospital and for his journey home.
10. Formula – I want to try to breastfeed but we were advised that the hospital won’t provide formula if I’m not able too, so I picked up a starter kit for the first day incase we need it.
11. A newborn teddy – I wanted to get our baby boy a little rabbit as his first toy for his cot. On the day I was born I was given a pink rabbit by my mams friend which I still have, 29 years later so I wanted to pick one up for our little boy. I love this one, it’s so cute. It is from Mothercare and was in the sale.
12. Car seat – I know I’ll need to take out car seat to hospital when I go in to bring back our baby boy, but it’s yet to be delivered. I am having a bit of a nightmare with Mothercare currently, so when it will be delivered I have no idea!
Anyway, that’s my selection. I’ll add some magazines or a book closer to the time, and anything else I can think of.
Do you have any suggestions? Is there anything you couldn’t live without when you were at hospital?
Oh I love that shirt style babygrow! How cute! I didn't get a chance to do my hospital bag as my baby was premature. Saying that I managed without (somehow) 🙂
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