Dreams are a strange part of our lives that only usually occur in the REM stage of sleep. No one really knows why we dream but it’s suggested that the average person will have between 3 and 5 dreams each night.
When we’re asleep the brain goes into overdrive and can process very powerful emotions that are then transferred to our dreams, this can be a strange and potentially scary time, especially for younger children.
I often wake up wondering if what I’ve dreamed about during the night has really happened, it’s such a strange feeling. The little man is a dreamer too, he’ll often shout out words, make dramatic movements or sometimes even cry in his sleep. I’d love to know what he’s dreaming about. Sometimes he’s able to tell me what he’s been dreaming about (usually diggers or trains in some way) but he’s still quite young to be able to go into, too much detail.
Adjustamatic – a leading expert in beds for the elderly has recently teamed up with dream expert Ian Wallace to help decode children’s dreams. You can check out the video below to learn more about Ian’s thoughts on child hood dreams and how he thinks that the crazy dreams our children have often have real life implications and tell us so much about their minds.
There are many ways you can help children cope with their dreams : –
Talk about them
Try and talk about what your child has dreamed about. Try and keep it relaxed, especially if they’ve had a scary dream. It’s also a great conversation topic for the breakfast table, particularly if it’s a funny or unusual dream they’ve had.
Take notice
Try and take note if your child has any reoccurring dreams. It could be a sign of something else going on in life, i.e bulling etc. Which will then give you the chance to discuss it with your child.
What is the strangest dream you’ve had?
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