Christmas has become such a magical time since the little man was born. It’s such an exciting time for us all and we try to make is as fun and memorable for his as we can.
Over the last few years we’ve started our own Christmas traditions, some we’ve picked up, some that I’ve carried over from my own childhood and some that we started accidentally.
Here are some of the things we do each year on Christmas Eve.
Brand new festive pjs
Brand new festive pyjamas for the whole family have been a tradition since I was a child. I always remember them being under the tree, waiting to be put on before bedtime on Christmas Eve. It’s something we’ve carried on ourselves now we have our own family and I love choosing them for us. They’re not necessarily always festive pyjamas, but they’re always new ones which we put on together.
Christmas Eve box
A Christmas Eve box is something I’ve always been a bit reluctant to start. Seeing the ridiculous lengths some seem to go to with Christmas Eve Boxes, Easter boxes and Halloween box ( why is this even a thing!?) has always put me off. However, I was lucky enough to win a beautiful, personalised Christmas Eve box from Dust & Things so I’ve decided to add the little mans new pyjamas, a lovely Christmas book to read together, some sweets and a Christmas movie.
Delivering last minute gifts and cards
I try and get most things sorted in advance so Christmas Eve is stress free and we can do some nice things together. We tend to dress up a little and deliver some token gifts to out nearby friends and neighbours. This year the little man will be wearing one of these amazingly cute La Coqueta Boys Shirts.

Christingle Service at Church
Another tradition I used to do when I was a child and something I have been excited about introducing to the little man. We’ve recently started to get involved with our local church who are very family focused and has a Vicar who is keen to have children involved. This year we’ll be taking the little man to his first Christingle service on Christmas Eve, he’s a little older and will happily sit for longer periods and because Christingle was specifically created with children in mind, the celebrations are perfect for the whole family.
Putting out snacks for Santa and his Reindeer
We make quite a big thing of putting out snacks for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve. We’re not traditional, in that we stick with Mince Pies and a glass of Whiskey. Santa and his reindeer get what they’re given here!
The things we do on Christmas Eve aren’t too unusual, but I asked some other lovely bloggers for their own family traditions and I really liked some of their ideas. says she never forgets to make Santa footprints from door to tree using boots and flour.
I love’ s tradition. Once her children are in bed she gets out the bubbles and reflects on the year gone by and talks about the plans for the next year.’s Christmas tradition is beautiful. She says she visits the graveyard to visit family members who are no longer with us. She says it helps her family appreciate the family time over the festive period and gives a peaceful few minutes in amongst the Christmas chaos.
Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
* We were sent the La Coqueta shirt to feature in the post.