I know I’ve mentioned this before but the dreaded big 30 is very quickly approaching. 5 weeks and 4 days to be precise… not that I’m counting or anything!
Whilst preventing the ageing process completely isn’t possible (unless you have a very good surgeon) I intend to try my damned hardest to keep the wrinkles at bay for as long as humanly possible! I was recently given the chance to try out some products from YungSkin and after a little read about the product I thought the claims were too good not to give it a try.
YungSkin claim that they use principles of homoeopathy and acupuncture to help improve mature skin and aim to “restore skins vitality, regenerate and rejuvenate skin cells, tighten skin, reduce appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, and to ensure youthful looking and glowing skin”. It’s claimed in the company information that the products “utilise quantum energy science and cellular stimulation to rejuvenate the skin”. It sounds very fancy and technical doesn’t it?. Basically it means that the products use energies which activate the Acupuncture points and muscular commands in your skin. The cream is said to be like and acupuncture cream and stimulate areas to give a”dramatic face lift reaction”.
If I’m honest I was a little cynical about the claims, but I’m all up for giving things ago, so when the products arrived I was quite excited to try them.
YungSkin products are only distributed in the EU by specially trained practitioners and aren’t readily available for purchase in shops or online.
I was passed some information about the product prior to sampling it and one of the things that stood out was the possibility of side effects. There is a possibility of reddening of the skin and some slight tingling for about 20 minutes after application of the cream. If I’m honest it did make me a little wary about using the cream, but the information also prepared me for what could happen, it’s better to know what may occur prior to use rather than afterwards.
The face cream is available in two varieties – light and rich. The rich is suited for those over 30 and the light is aimed at those under 30, men and those who have sensitive skin. I JUST scraped into the light category. The directions state that the cream should be used on cleansed skin twice daily – morning and evening for 14 days. After the 14th day you’re supposed to give cease use for a few days to allow your facial muscles to relax.
The cream is very lightweight with a strong scent. The scent is very spa like but I actually quite like it. I do think it will be a case of ‘you’ll love it or hate it’ as it is quite over powering. A little bit of cream goes a very long way. It doesn’t absorb too easily if you use too much.
The first three times I used this my face did go slightly red with a warm tingling sensation but because I’d read the details I didn’t panic too much. The sensation didn’t last long and my face looked normal … well as normal as I can look!
The food that was sent with the cream is a skin supplement in liquid form. It’s supposed to work with the cream to help your skin from the inside. It contains a variety of nutrients including silica to help improve wrinkles and dry skin and Calcium Fluoride to improve elasticity and skin tone. The food comes with a pipette style dropper and you are supposed to take 10 drops in a glass of water morning and night. It’s completely colourless and tasteless so there’s nothing nasty about it, but I have regularly forgotten to take it so I’m not really too sure how effective it actually is.
In conclusion I am really impressed with the cream. I can’t really comment on the food as I haven’t used it that often and I can’t see inside my body to see whether it’s doing any good or not BUT … the cream is REALLY impressive.
I don’t know how it works, it’s all a bit like Voodoo to me but my skin is looking good, I’ve had no outbreaks or dry patches since I started using it and my skin looks and feels great.
Sadly, you can’t just pop out and buy this. It’s something you’ll need to get within a beauty salon or at least from a YungSkin Practitioners. I’m hoping I can find somewhere local that uses this in a skin treatment because I think the cream in combination with a facial would be a pretty fabulous experience.
You can find out more information from Yungskin via email – info@yungskin.co.uk
*I was sent the products for review purposes. All opinions are my own*