So …. it turns out we’re having a baby! Maybe a bit earlier than we’d expected / anticipated but now it’s sunk in, we’re really happy.
So, a little information –
I’m 13 weeks pregnant, so baby is due in February 2014!
how do I feel?
how do I feel?
– I’ve been crying at crap on TV and don’t get me started on any
animal programmes.
– though I think this might be connected to the ear infection I also
have. Woe is me!
– though I think this might be connected to the ear infection I also
have. Woe is me!
boobs feel SO heavy and my nipples are really painful. I’ve gone from
a 36C to a 38E in a matter of weeks.
boobs feel SO heavy and my nipples are really painful. I’ve gone from
a 36C to a 38E in a matter of weeks.
skin is spotty and hormonal. I currently have the skin of a pre
pubescent teenager!
skin is spotty and hormonal. I currently have the skin of a pre
pubescent teenager!
felt very ill pretty much since finding out I was pregnant at 4
weeks. I’ve felt sick and lethargic and my tolerance levels have
reduced dramatically!
felt very ill pretty much since finding out I was pregnant at 4
weeks. I’ve felt sick and lethargic and my tolerance levels have
reduced dramatically!
hair is pretty disgusting, it’s dry and lank, and seems to be coming
out in clumps – I’m still waiting for the glossy hair and the
pregnancy glow that all these leaflets and books promise me I’ll get!
hair is pretty disgusting, it’s dry and lank, and seems to be coming
out in clumps – I’m still waiting for the glossy hair and the
pregnancy glow that all these leaflets and books promise me I’ll get!
is a nightmare. I feel shattered constantly, but I just can’t stay
asleep. I wake up constantly for a wee, and then I’m up at the crack
of dawn. I’ve been trying to have little naps during the day, but
it’s hard work when you work 12 hour shifts.
is a nightmare. I feel shattered constantly, but I just can’t stay
asleep. I wake up constantly for a wee, and then I’m up at the crack
of dawn. I’ve been trying to have little naps during the day, but
it’s hard work when you work 12 hour shifts.
clothes are tighter round the middle and I’m living in leggings. My
normal clothes are too tight, but I’m not quite rotund enough for
maternity items.
clothes are tighter round the middle and I’m living in leggings. My
normal clothes are too tight, but I’m not quite rotund enough for
maternity items.
have completely gone off coffee. I adored coffee pre pregnancy but I
can’t even bare the smell of it now.
have completely gone off coffee. I adored coffee pre pregnancy but I
can’t even bare the smell of it now.
got 4 weeks until my next midwife appointment and 4 weeks until my
appointment with the consultant to discuss how my poorly back will
cope during the pregnancy.
got 4 weeks until my next midwife appointment and 4 weeks until my
appointment with the consultant to discuss how my poorly back will
cope during the pregnancy.
try and keep this updated as the pregnancy develops and although I
would like to write about my experiences and any mother to be
products I use, and no doubt any baby items once the baby is here, I intend to keep writing about ME as well as me as a parent.
try and keep this updated as the pregnancy develops and although I
would like to write about my experiences and any mother to be
products I use, and no doubt any baby items once the baby is here, I intend to keep writing about ME as well as me as a parent.
Congratulation! What wonderful news, shame you are feeling ill though! Hopefully in a few weeks you'll feel better and get the pregnancy glow.
Keep us updated!
Belle x
Mascara & Maltesers
Thank you hun! It's bloody terrifying 🙂
Aww, I'm a new follower but congratulations! Exciting times!
Thanks lovely x
Ohhh Congratulations xxx
congrats! i'm due the month after ^^
Lovely Stacey! Have you found out what it is?
Congratulations! I'm due in Feb too! 😀 x