The little man definitely doesn’t need anymore clothes, in fact he could probably survive until he’s at least 2 with clothes that’s he’s been bought as gifts or things that hubby and I bought before he was born.
Nevertheless I still picked up some items for him on a recent shopping trip. I popped into Primark to buy myself some bits but ended up looking at baby clothes and accidentally dropped a few items in my basket.
I was really surprised to see how nice some of the baby items are in Primark at the moment, and really cheaply priced.
The t shirt above was an absolute steal at £3. I adore the nautical themes that are in store at the moment and I think it’s such a cute little top.
The trousers are really nice quality and only cost £4. They’re a touch too long for the little man at the moment, but he’ll fit into them soon enough.
I love this little onesie. It’s so cute and only cost £6. It’s a fab jersey material which looks great quality. I got a slightly larger size for him to grow into as he’s got so many newborn clothes.
I also picked up a spotted polo t shirt which is the same style as the other one which cost £3 and a funky little zip up hoody complete with ears on the hood which was a £5 buy.
I’m loving the little mans new clothes, though it’s scary that he’s into ‘big boy’ clothes already.