How on earth do I have a 6 month old baby?!!
He’s actually 25 weeks old today and as always, I’m late at getting this up. I’m sure someone is actually stealing my time!
I wish I could stop time and keep you this age for forever. I love seeing my little man grow and learn new things every day, but I feel sad at how independent he already is and how quick he’s becoming a ‘big boy’.
He’s such a happy little chap and people constantly comment about what a pleasant baby he is. He very rarely cries, so when he does we know that there’s something wrong. He laughs and chuckles for a good chunk of each day.
He’s easily entertained with funny noises and funny faces from his Daddy, and laughs hysterically. He loves to shout and ‘sing’ and still makes his little hooting owl noises. He screeches at his toys and gets so excited by anything that makes a noise or he can bang.
He’s not really into his cuddles anymore, preferring to sit on your knee and wriggle about. He is literally into EVERYTHING! If I turn my back for a moment he’s wriggled round, found something to put in his mouth or rolled over to try and reach something he shouldn’t.
During the sunny weather we’ve made the most of being in the garden and he’s loved being in his paddling pool, splashing about.
He’s been great. He got weighed on Monday 28/07 and was a whopping 17lb 13ozs! The Health Visitor was happy with his development and steady weight gain and also said he has beautiful clear skin (clearly he takes after his Mammy!).
We noticed an extra crease on one of his legs and the Health Visitor suggested we speak to his GP to get it checked out. The GP didn’t seem to concerned but has referred him to the hospital to see someone in Orthopaedics to get it checked properly. This is mainly because of my own medical history, I have Scoliosis, hyper mobility and one leg very slightly shorter than the other and despite numerous hospital visits and back problems throughout my childhood it wasn’t picked up and diagnosed until I was in my mid 25’s. I’m glad the GP was as keen as me to get him checked.
We’ve still got no teeth through yet. He’s still really dribbly and won’t leave his gums alone but nothings popped through yet.
As you know we started weaning a couple of weeks ago and it’s going amazingly well. He’s tried everything offered to him with no hesitation. He loves sitting in his high chair banging his hands, waiting for Mammy to bring his dinner. He loves to helps smear it all over his face with his own spoon and push it further into his mouth with his hands.
He loves broccoli and we also introduced cheese this week, which now appears to be his favourite. He’s on two meals a day, a breakfast of porridge and fruit and a late lunch of veg and fruit.
Is amazing!! He’s sleeping through now, usually from about 9pm until 6am. The early mornings have unsettled him a little, because he was sleeping through until 8.30. He doesn’t really nap through the day, maybe the odd 10-20 minutes but I’m really grateful of the sleep at night.
He’s going into his own room at the end of this week, we were going to make the move a couple of weeks ago, but we’re going on holiday this week and we didn’t want to unsettle him more than we needed to, so we thought we’d wait for the transition until we came home.
What we’ve done this month
We’ve been to the beach where he got to play on the sand. He absolutely adores the sand, loves the feel of it on his fingers and toes and so desperately wishes we’d let him eat it.
We’ve been for lots of walks in the sunshine. We’re lucky enough to live right next to the Coast 2 Coast cycle route which is also a lovely place to walk, we did a lovely 5 mile jaunt the other day where surprisingly, Little Man stayed awake for the majority. He loves to watch the trees and the sky when he’s in his pushchair.
We’ve had lots of fun in the garden. He’s spent time in is paddling pool, playing in his swing and Daddy built a little camp for him to play in.
He’s also had an underwater photo shoot done. He amazes me with his swimming so we wanted a picture to remind us of how great he is. His swimming class has broken up for summer but we’re looking forward to starting lessons again in September, he’s such a water baby.
He’s such a happy little man and a complete pleasure to be around.
I’m absolutely dreading going back to work and leaving him.
We’re off on a little trip to Yorkshire at the end of the week. It’ll be our second family trip and I can’t wait. Fingers crossed for some sunshine … and that month 7 is the slowest month in history!
Beautiful looking baby! So happy and smiling. He will brake some hearts in the future, I am sure of it!
As the mother of an 18 year old, I agree the time goes astoundingly quickly! I only wish I had been able to blog when my daughter was small, as I know you will both really appreciate this lovely record of his growing years when he's older!