You’ll be able to tell from my blog that I love photographs and I love keeping a record of the little mans childhood.
I have numerous photo books that we’ve created since he was born but nothing that’s really aimed at him to look at, that is, until I came across love2read. A company who create personalised photo books which are focused around your child’s life. Each book is fully customisable with words and pictures there are a range of different books available. We were asked if we’d like to review the ‘Memories of 2014*‘ book.
The creation process was very simple. Once you’ve chosen which book you want, you just need to choose and upload your pictures.The quality of the pictures need to be good so they can be used throughout the book. I used pictures I’ve taken using my DSLR camera rather than my phone.
You can easily swap your pictures around on the pages until you are happy with the layout. You then enter the text you’d like underneath each picture.
When I was creating I simply chose the months as text under each picture, but you can use anything you like. I think you could create a lovely version of this using pictures and names of members of your family.
The delivery of the book was super quick, it was literally on my door mat two days after the order was placed online.
The book looks very much like a child’s reading book. It’s a small and lightweight paperback and reminds me of the books we read at school in Reception class. The quality looks good and the picture print quality is perfect. The only issue I found with the book is the spine and staples didn’t seem quite right. The book was determined to stay open and I had a nightmare trying to bend it enough to weigh down to keep it closed. After a few days under a pile of books it did eventually flatten enough and looks fine now.

I used some of my favourite photographs of the little mans first year in the book I created, some are pictures of places we’ve been, things we’ve done and others are just his rather cute little smile!
I like the book, I think it’s a clever idea and a nice gift idea for younger children but at £14.99 I do think it’s on the pricey side. I think for £14.99 I’d have liked a hard back book.You can find out more from Love2read and the other books in their range on their website.