We’re very lucky in the UK and it’s unlikely that Maternal and newborn tetanus is something you’ll be familiar with. Sadly, it still affects a huge amount of families in poorer parts of the world and newborns are exposed to it as a result of unhygienic birthing practices. It claims the lives of around 49,000 newborn babies each year, which equates to one baby every 11 minutes!
Pampers-UNICEF created the “1 pack = 1 vaccine” campaign back in 2006 and so far it’s helped eradicate maternal and newborn tetanus in 17 countries. Around 500,000 babies have been saved by a simple vaccine, but the disease still poses a threat in 21 other countries.
This year is the 10th anniversary of the Pampers and UNICEF partnership and the Pampers UNICEF 1 pack = 1 vaccine campaign has just one wish, and that is to completely eliminate maternal and newborn tetanus everywhere.
Emma Bunton is supporting the Pampers and UNICEF campaign for the third year in a row. She helped launch the Pampers and Unicef ‘Every Parent’s Dream’ campaign in 2013 and continues as part of the Unicef UK ambassador family.
Pampers and Unicef have asked me to share what my one wish for my son would be. My wish would be that the little man achieves his dreams and is happy. I suppose that is technically two wishes, but I think they go hand in hand. I want him to live a long and prosperous life, with good health and a supportive family.
The little man was lucky enough to celebrate his first year without any major health issues which was a relief for both me and his Daddy. Unfortunately the children in the countries where maternal and newborn Tetanus still exists often aren’t this lucky. Many don’t see their first birthday.
Please try and find the time to watch the ‘Wishes’ video below. Please watch it and share the video. For every share of the video another vaccine will be donated.
For every view that this blog post receives Pampers will donate the cost of three vaccines to UNICEF to protect against Maternal and Newborn Tetanus.