One of the many things I love about being a parent, is seeing my son’s ‘firsts’. His first smile, his first roll and more recently his first tooth and first crawl. There are a multitude of ‘first’ milestones a baby should experience, but sadly, that’s not always the case. In some countries, illness and famine is rife and children don’t get to reach the milestones that we, so often take for granted.
To date the campaign has funded an incredible 300 million vaccines, which has helped successfully eliminate Maternal and Newborn Tetanus (MNT) in 15 countries – that’s another five countries since the campaign last year!
Sadly, there are still babies at risk in another 24 countries around the world, so we need to try and help in anyway we can.
So what can you do to help?
During October – December 2014 for each Pampers – UNICEF pack you purchase, Pampers will donate money to fund tetanus vaccines to support UNICEF in the fight against maternal and newborn tetanus.
You can also watch the online films that celebrate the first-time moments from babies. Each time you watch a video like the one below, Pampers will donate one vaccine to the campaign.
You can also upload a picture of one of your baby’s special moments to the Pampers Facebook. It could be a cuddles or a gorgeous smile, either way, Pampers will donate another lifesaving vaccine.
To show my support for the campaign, I thought it was appropriate to share some of my own son’s ‘firsts’.
If you want to know more about the Pampers and UNICEF 1 pack = 1 vaccine campaign then please click on the links below: