I cannot believe my little monster is 2 years old. Where have the last two years gone?
You spent your actual second birthday on a cruise in the Mediterranean but opened most of your presents when you got home. You got lots of new diggers, Lego and a teepee to play in. You’re the best thing I’ve ever done and make me proud every day. You’re a little bugger but you’re funny and very clever.
You have independent and are becoming a proper little boy.You’re funny and love to be the centre of attention.
You happily sleep through in your big boy ‘Digger’ bed on a night but still like a bottle of milk (Niner) to help you fall asleep.You love playing, reading and running around.
Your favourite things are –
Toy – your diggers and cars
Film – Homeward Bound
TV show – Peppa Pig
Food – Crisps