I love hair care products, and I’m always on the hunt for the perfect product, preferably something that will give me amazing locks whilst taming my frizzy ends and fixing my split ends. I’m not asking much am I?!
SexyHair is a salon only brand.
Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Touchable Hairspray
As a rule I’m not a huge fan of hairspray. I find it dries my hair out and the majority give that awful ‘crispy’ effect. I liked the fact this one contains Argan Oil, which I find super moisturising on my hair.
I initially liked the smell of this. It doesn’t have your typical harsh, unpleasant hairspray kind of smell. It has a like, almost fruity scent which suprisingly is very faint after using.
I found this really simple to use. After backcombing the top of my hair I sprayed the underside with this and clipped it back, before adding a little more to the top. My hair lasted all day without drooping, and being the lazy tramp I am, I didn’t wash my hair before bed, I simply brushed it out and went to bed. My hair wasn’t sticky or dry, it actually looked pretty good!
Straight Sexy Hair Straightening Shampoo
I’m not a huge fan of the smell of this, it has quite a synthetic scent – I’m more of a fruity fan.
The shampoo does feel quite luxurious and works into a nice lather. My hair feels soft and manageable after use and ultra clean.
Straight Sexy Hair Straightening Conditioner
I really like the conditioner. It’s really thick and feels more like a hair mask or treatment. I’ve been using it in conjunction with the shampoo and really like the effect it has on my hair. My hair feels soft to touch and looks much more sleek and shiny.
The conditioner smells much nicer than the shampoo. It reminds me of my husbands dedorant. It’s really clean and fresh smelling.
Sexy Hair Big Sexy Hair Weather Proof Humidity Resistant
I found this wasn’t really suited to my hair. I tried it a couple of times after washing, drying and styling my hair, but found it made my hair a little sticky with a residue on it that was obvious when I touched it. I’d give this a go if I curled my hair as I think it’d probably help hold the style but for my bog standard straight hair it didn’t really work for me.
I’ve never actually seen Big Sexy Hair products in any highstreet stores but they can be bought online at BeautyBay and Hairtrader I would, without a doubt purchase the shampoo and conditioner again, as in combination they have a lovely effect on my hair.
SexyHair are online. Have a read about their products and see where your local stockist is.
(PR Sample)