The Little Man has a ridiculous amount of toys already but what he didn’t have was a decent play mat, somewhere I could lie him down on his back to play and sit beside him to try and encourage him to roll over. This beautiful Fisher Price jumbo play mat is perfect.
It’s called a jumbo play mat for a reason, it’s absolutely massive, measuring in at 47.7cm x 9.3 x 68 cm. It’s about the same size as our living room rug!
The play mat matches the Fisher Price rainforest range perfectly, it’s covered in bright, eye-catching rainforest animals and comes with a mirror and a selection of linkable toys which can either be connected to the mat or released and removed. The mat also has extra loops which mean you can connect other toys too it, as we have quite a few Fisher Price toys we can change the toys round. The Little Man particularly loves a chewable elephant from his Kick play piano gym so we can move this over to the play mat easily.
Although the mat is very big it’s so easy to store. It folds or rolls up without and problems and can be put in a cupboard until it’s required, because it’s so easy to store it means it can be transported easily, it’ll be coming with us next month for our little caravan trip to Northumberland. We’ve also used it outside in the garden when the weather was fine. it gave The Little Man a chance to get some fresh air and sadly gave me no excuse not to do some weeding.
The Little Man loves to look at himself in the mirror, he clearly takes after his Dad! He seems to really enjoy the fact he can hold onto the mirror himself.
I suspect when The Little Man is a little older he’ll love this even more as he’ll be able to crawl around it unaided.
We’ve been using the play mat for tummy time too and surprisingly The Little Man seems to enjoy it. Previously he got really frustrated on his stomach, he wanted to move along but obviously he couldn’t so quickly lost interested but since we started using the mat we’ve found he’ll happily stay on his stomach for about ten minutes while staring intently at the bright colours.
The mat itself also has a couple of entertaining features – a crinkly elephants ear and a rattling fish. The crinkly ear seems to fascinate The Little Man, every time he’s on the mat he kicks at it constantly, presumably because he likes the sound.
The mat is slightly padded so comfortable for your little person to lie on and is fully washable and can be quickly dried in the dryer which is perfect for us and The Little Mans dribbly chops.
The mat is perfect for households with more than one little person, it’s big enough for a couple of babies to comfortably play near each other without being on top of each other. It’s also big enough for parents to lie next to your child without causing any damage.
The mat seems well made and durable and I am VERY impressed. It’s a play mat that will last and we’ll definitely be able to put it away for any future visits from the stork!
I can’t actually think of anything negative at all. The only thing I’d suggest is maybe check the measures properly before you buy it to ensure you have enough floor space to lay it out properly.
It would make an ideal new baby gift, I wish someone had bought us something so fun and practical as a gift instead of the 9 million baby grows that we received.
*I was sent this free of charge for review purposes but all opinions are my own*
Wow I love how big this mat is and all the colours and ways to interact with it in a baby friendly way – would of loved to have one of these when my little man was a baby
Laura x
This matt looks great! I'm looking to get something for when a friend has a boy in summer and this would be a great gift!
Corinne x
That's a huge mat but it gives your baby enough room to play x