It’s that time again, another month has passed. This update is a little late as the Little Man turned 5 months last week.
He loves to play with his toys, his most recent favourites are a huge Lamaze caterpillar and a taking dragon which he watches/hits/tries to dismantle.
We recently went for a family photo shoot because although we have a million photos of the little man and the little man and Daddy there are probably two of him and me, neither of which are very good. We decided to get one nice shot of the three of us, £100 later and we’re waiting to collect it.
He still does the biggest farts ever. They rival Daddy’s.
Still no teeth, but the signs are there, he’s covered in dribble and won’t keep his hands out of his mouth and his gums are rock hard. I have an amber anklet in preparation.
We’ve bought him some toys for the garden, including a baby sized sand pit and water table, we’re in the process of getting the garden tidied up so it’ll be perfect for him to sit and play with in a few weeks time.
We decided to take a step back with the weaning. He has porridge for breakfast with his first bottle a couple of times a week but we decided to wait until he hits 6 months before we introduce anything more.
His sleeping is slightly better, he’s normally settled and asleep by 8pm and then will sleep until 4.30am, then he’ll wake a bottle and go back down until 8am. The light mornings aren’t helping though, he was up and raring to go at 4.30am yesterday.
It’s crazy to think he’s been here almost a year already. I honestly can’t remember what my life was like before he arrived.