This week hasn’t been very fun.
Last Friday the little man started to come down with something. He was lethargic, irritable and had a temperature of 39. We rang 111 who didn’t seem overly concerned but suggested a hospital appointment the following day at the Urgent Care department of our local hospital.
Hubby and I took turns staying up on Friday night, his temperature remained high, he was sick twice and didn’t sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. We had a great time!
On Saturday, about a hour before his hospital appointment he started to develop a rash, which quickly spread. The majority of the rash was on his torso and I could feel slight raised bumps under his skin. Thankfully the rash disappeared under the pressure of a glass.
At the hospital the Doctor told us his temperature was high and that he didn’t know what the rash was, but it was probably ‘viral’. We were sent away and told to give him Calpol and ride it out unless his temperature rose any further.
Saturday evening and Sunday were spent pretty much the same way as Friday. He didn’t worsen or get better and his temperature finally came back down to around normal. He was clingy and whingy.
Then came Monday morning. We woke up to find his entire body and face (even the soles of his feet) were covered in a red angry rash. The pictures below don’t really show how bad it actually looked.

- Measles is very infectious.
- Measles is uncommon in the UK nowadays because of the MMR vaccine.
- The first symtoms of Measles are often the same as a cold.
- The rash usually starts around the neck and ears.
- You may have sensitivity to light.
- Measles is spread by spit from your mouth and nose.
- In rare cases, Measles can lead to Pneumonia or Encephalitis.