As the little man is now on his feet most of the time (he’s not walking alone, but happily toddles round the furniture and with his walker) we try to have him in shoes for a good part of the day.
A recent addition to the little mans wardrobe is the Bobux Xplorer shoes. They’re a brand new product, not quite on the market for sale yet, though they will be available for purchase from February this year.
The choice was limited during the review stages but when the shoes are officially on sale they will be available in 9 different colour ways and 3 different styles – Origin, Freestyle and Arctic, costing £27 per pair.
I’ll admit I hadn’t heard of the Bobux brand until they asked if the little man would like to road test their brand new shoes. After a little research I found out that the company hail from New Zealand but have stores all over the world. The sell a wide range of baby, toddler and pre school shoes which claim to provide Barefoot Freedom, allowing tiny feet to grow and develop but offering comfort and support too.
The shoes we were sent were designed by Sean Maisano who has previously created designs for brands such as Adidas and Prada, so clearly these shoes are perfect for any super stylish little person.
The shoes are extremely flexible and soft and perfect for wearing inside the house as cruisers but are sturdy and durable enough to be worn outside as first ‘big boy’ shoes.
A huge plus side for us is the bright blue none slip sole. We have wood flooring and tiles right through the downstairs of the house and we have had some slippy incidents while the little man has been dragging himself round the furniture so the fact the Xplorers seem really safe and not at all slippy is perfect.
I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to get the shoes on the little mans feet. We have huge issues with his other ‘well known brand’ shoes, because they’re so rigid and if he doesn’t fancy wearing them we either end up forcing his feet into them which can’t be very pleasant or giving up completely. The Xplorers are make a refreshing change – they have an elasticated ankle strap which allows the shoe to be opened up so it can slide onto the tiny foot easily without any dramas. They are secured by a small Velcro strap which is fully adjustable so as the foot grows you can relax the strap as needed.
The Xplorers are the first shoes that the little man hasn’t instantly tried to pull off. He really doesn’t seem to mind that they’re attached to his feet.
Since the little man has started wearing the Xplorer shoes he seems much more confident and keen to be on the move. His grip is great and he no longer walks like he’s on the moon!
I absolutely love these shoes. I’m now a total Bobux convert. I’ve already had a look on their website and picked out some future shoes for the little man, they also have a great sale on at the moment too but be quick – it’s only got a couple of days left.
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